
Prenatal Infection Prevention Awareness Month

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  • Prenatal Infection Prevention Awareness Month
February 13, 2018

We are excited here at ALHS that February is here! Not just because of Valentine’s Day, President’s day or tax season but also because it is a month internationally recognized by some health care providers to raise awareness for prenatal infection prevention. It is a joy to behold your little one but that joy could become short-lived when both mother and child develop serious health problems that could be preventable. Some of these infections could include but are not limited to Zika virus, Listeria, and Group B Streptococcus (GBS), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and others. The best prevention is to have prenatal care as early during pregnancy as possible because early detection of any issues could be addressed immediately and risks mitigated.

1. GBS is caused by bacteria found in the vagina or rectum of 25% of all healthy adult women. The infection by itself is treatable with antibiotics and typically harmless for adults but it could be extremely dangerous for newborns. An infected mother can pass it to her baby during delivery, which can cause meningitis, pneumonia, and septicemia in the newborn child. In the U.S., GBS is the leading cause of meningitis and sepsis in a newborn’s first week of life.

2. What do you eat during pregnancy? Avoid undercooked meats and unpasteurized milk or foods made from it as these could contain bacteria which are dangerous to both mother and child.

3. Who could resist falling in love with adorable Persian cat? As cuddly and friendly as they are, their litter contains a harmful parasite which is life-threatening for both mom and baby during pregnancy. Let someone else take care of the cat litter until your little one arrives.

4. Avoid people who have an infection. Stay away from people who you know have infections, such as chickenpox or rubella, if you have not yet had it yourself or did not have the vaccine before pregnancy.